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银行对中型企业贷款政策的要求有哪些呢英文(Requirements for Bank Loans to Medium-sized Enterprises)

Requirements for Bank Loans to Medium-sized Enterprises

银行对中型企业贷款政策的要求有哪些呢英文(Requirements for Bank Loans to Medium-sized Enterprises)

In modern times, a sound financial system is crucial for economic development. Business organizations are the main drivers of economies, and financial institutions provide the funds necessary for business growth and expansion. Banks, in particular, are significant players in the financial sector, and they play a vital role in providing financial assistance to present companies. Middle-market businesses are companies that fall somewhere between small enterprises and large corporations. As such, banks have developed certain requirements designed to aid and monitor middle-market enterprises' creditworthiness.


Collateral is an asset pledged by the borrower to the lender as security for repayment of a loan. In the case of medium-sized enterprises, collateral can range from commercial real estate to equipment to accounts receivables and even inventory. Banks require these collaterals to hedge against the possibility of default by the borrowing company. Collateral should have adequate value to leverage the amount borrowed. Companies should present recent third-party appraisals to indicate the collateral's current value to the bankers.

Cash Flow Statements

A cash flow statement is a financial statement that provides information about the inflow and outflow of cash during a specific time. It is an essential tool in assessing a company's financial health. Banks require cash flow statements to determine companies' ability to pay back loans. Medium-sized enterprises must demonstrate a stable cash flow history. This history should show an increase in revenue with increasing profits and consistent operating cash flow. Additionally, companies should show non-operating debt paying capacity and the ability to cover fixed expenses.

Credit Score

A credit score is a numerical value based on a person's or company's credit history and various financial behaviors. It is a method of gauging a company's creditworthiness. A high credit score is essential to determine whether a middle-market enterprise can obtain a loan or not. Banks use credit scores to determine the amount of risk associated with lending to such businesses. Companies must maintain a stable credit score of at least 670 to obtain funding.

Business Plan

A business plan is a formal statement outlining business goals, methods, and timelines. It is the foundation upon which banks determine businesses' viability and the ability to pay back loans. A good business plan must outline the company's history, industry trends, competition, and strategic plan. A well-developed business plan must clearly articulate the purpose of the loan, the amount lent, the intended use of the funds, and the expected return on investment. A comprehensive business plan can increase the company's chance of obtaining funding.

Management Capability

The ability of a company's management team to manage, operate and grow the company is a critical aspect of a bank's consideration of creditworthiness. Banks examine the management team's experience and specific knowledge of the businesses they intend to finance. The bank should be satisfied that the management team has the necessary capabilities to run the company successfully and sustain its growth.


The requirements set forth by banks for middle-market enterprises highlight the importance of proper documentation and effective management. Medium-sized companies must maintain a stable history of financial statements, good credit scores, strong cash flow, and demonstrate exceptional management capabilities. By fulfilling these requirements, middle-market enterprises increase their chances of obtaining financial assistance from banks and, consequently, achieving their business goals.
